Restore Campaign: An Update

Restore Campaign: An Update

Your generosity was a game-changer. Back in April, we announced the launch of our Restore Campaign, a one-year financial commitment to remodel our church to help facilitate our growing attendance and our increased ministry opportunities. But mainly,  we hope to play a vital role to restore our city for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, increasing our community involvement and neighborhood impact.

You all were asked to pray about how God would want you to be part of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Restore Campaign, and you gave generously, raising $105,000 as a church. Thank you.

Over the last few weeks, work has already begun. Y’all came and did the demo work like you were Chip & Joanna Gaines. This past week, a work crew has been installing new floors upstairs so we can open up new classrooms for all the kids in Sunday school. New bathrooms on the main floor are coming soon. We couldn’t have done any of this without your generosity, Church, with your time, talent and treasures.